You know you have lived, when you find something worth dying for. If you ever really want something, you should reach out and grab it with both hands. That’s what passion is. It’s the only thing that makes the good, better!
That’s the irony though. Your passion is your own. It’s probably what makes you, you! And if happiness is truly felt only when shared, then how does your passion make you happy unless you find someone who shares your passion? And that would mean that your passion isn’t just yours, but has to be shared to be truly a passion!
It’s confusing, and it’s not what I set out to write about. But it made me think. I am passionate. About 2 things: animals and travel. I am 24 and I have not done too much in either field that I can be proud of. And maybe it’s because I have never found anyone who shares my passion in both of the above. Now, where does that leave me? Impassionate?
1 comment:
I love the first para Lee - its beautiful :)
Happiness multiplies when shared, but it doesnt always mean the other person has to feel the same way about what makes u happy? For eg - u get a promoted to Partner in ur fancy MNC and ur gonna get to do what ur truly passionate about, follow your dreams, et al...I'll be jumping over the mountains happy for you, BUT I may not truly empathise with what makes the promotion click for you ONLY because I'm happier feeding street kids everyday and thats where my happiness lies...? Do you get where I'm going with this?!
Ur only 24. U've got ur whole life ahead of you - figure out whats keeping you back? It cant be the money. Ur one of the privileged few whos happier with doing what she loves, money and everything else will definitely follow :)
You may not have found someONE to share your passion with cuz u've been looking in the wrong places! Goto CUPA, or any other animal place, ul find what ur looking for. Passion for animals cant be found in the confines of an air conditioned office or a so-called elitist building in a big name college. :)
Go, chase your dreams.
The world is your beautiful oyster. :)
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