Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It’s been a while

I’ve been swept into this whirlwind of activities beginning December. Nothing, since then has been under my control.

Those 3 dots – I tried listing down what I did in December and all I could come up with was – Rohan’s big birthday!

Rohan turned 24 in Dec and shit, was I busy!! We planned out this huge party and that just took up all the mind space I had…!! But more than the party, I was busy with Rohan’s gifts….:)

For me, a birthday is special because of the things you do.. not the things you get. Honestly, if on my birthday someone took me to Hoskote and we had fun in the drive, popped open a bottle of breezer, listened to awesome country music and came back, it’d be my best birthday ever. But a lot of people disagree!! And I have learnt that the hard way! :P So, I was busy planning out his gifts…some worked out, some didn’t, some are saved for future birthdays…:)

Dec also meant the end of an era… the GS era… my entire 2008 went in fighting them off… I was so excited when it ended… I was no longer “muthal”… I no longer needed to plan my life around “month-ends”… I no longer had to worry about the job offer that took it’s toll on me…. I was free!!

But I realized soon enough, that I had grown into the company – into the culture. And when I got a farewell lunch and hug, I knew I was going to miss the company I didn’t belong to!

Then came New Years’ Eve.

And Sam and Dan; and Vivek; and a trip to Coorg; my India trip confirmation; my 4 year anniversary which was heavenly; telecom training; Green Valley resort; Shweta in town; Danish leaving; Sheena leaving; Rohan leaving; Shweta left; and a realization that I was alone…

And lonely, maybe.

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